ten secrets.

10 secrets about me that will make absolutely no difference in your life.

1- I sometimes initiate very long and interesting conversations with both my pets and always get to the conclusion that they’re quite understanding.

2 – The clothes in my closet are organized by color. I know, I’m a freak.

3 – I like to clean when I’m home alone…it whether becomes a soul-searching process or a dancing spree — hence why I like to be alone.

4 – I read the list of ingredients of 99% of the products I buy.

5 – I never have enough bras or jeans. the thing is: I whether get tired of the way they look on me or I find some flaw that makes me throw it to the back of the closet…so I end up buying more. *shrugs*

6 – I hate milk and coconut. I hate the smell, the taste, the texture (of the coconut)…But because milk is good for me, I always drink a glass or two per day…with an expresso shot.

7 – I love the smell of dawn: it’s a mishmash of fresh humidity, grass and earth that I find very relaxing, and that you only get in certain places.

8 – I *must* go to the beach during summer time…or it’s simply not summer for me.

9 – I talk way too much when I’m tipsy (notice that I did not say drunk!).

10 – I can stare at the clouds in the sky for hours, specially if they’re big and fluffy.

PS: that’s me in the picture. I was probably around 6/7 years old…


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