goodbye, maybe.

After these last few days away and diving in the pool and spending time at the beach I am finally ready to say goodbye to summer — or am I? meh. I love summer. I love the clothes we can wear on summer and those we can not wear… it’s the ice cold wine, the sweet ice-creams, the tank tops, the strapless bras, the shorts, the sandals, the long walks in the evening… and then there’s the pool. The cold water, the dives, the swimming, the bikinis… 

and of course, the beach. 



I’m not the ‘hit the waves’ kind of girl, but the beach, the cold salty water gives me a feeling of easiness and a peace of mind that I find hard to achieve if I don’t set a foot in the beach… 

summer goodbye

There’s something about the wet sand and how the waves touch my body: ever so lightly and I close my eyes to just feel my feet sunk a little deeper in the sand; or a bit rougher and I dive in hearing nothing but the sea. 

where's the fish?

Am I am ready for a new year, a new season… Let the light and heavy layers of clothing come in, the scarfs and the warm teas, the boots and the icy cold tips of our noses, the warm meals and the fireplaces, the hugs under the covers and the knee-high socks… let it all come and let there be summer again once more. 



It’s never goodbye with this season’s business… and that makes me happy. 


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