paris from a distance.

Hello! No, I ain’t dead just yet.

These have been very very busy days, busy good, but still… busy. I’ve been very tired due to the amount of workload so I just couldn’t come up with time to put something up here. I’ve been on instagram as usual and also on tumblr, but that’s mainly it.

A lot has been going on but I’m not gonna bother you with all that right now, mainly because it’s friday and we just want the end of the day to come along fast. I will post soon with all the news and more pictures.

In the meantime, here are a few photos from Paris, the only ones I managed to shoot with the fuji x100 — love that camera.

Hope you all have a great day!




8 responses to “paris from a distance.”

  1. How I adore Paris!

    Love your photos! That x100 shoots pretty decent, doesn’t it?

    1. Oh yeah! I love this little camera! =) Fuji will be announcing a new one with better focus, must be awesome! =D

  2. Nhamiiii que bom aspecto estas comidas! Por acaso comi muito bem em Paris. Ai saudades””””””

    1. Paris deixa sempre tantas saudades…!
      E sim esta comidinha que eu *adoro* estava deliciosa! =D

  3. Greeting from one of your IG followers 😉 It’s so nice to see bigger versions of your photos as well hehe. Will definitely come back for more reads!

    1. Oh thank you so so so much! =D
      I hope you liked it! And please come back for more! =D

  4. Great photos – as always!

    1. thank youuuuu! You’re a big inspiration! =)

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