the wrap up no.6

Here is Friday again. Can you believe it? I can’t.


1. web findings

the battle we didn’t choose (My Wife’s Fight With Breast Cancer) — true love and pain, no sugarcoating.

days with my father — this is old and I’ve mentioned it more than a couple of times around here…but most definitely worth mentioning again.


2. something to eat

Jessica Cox — food therapy. Jessica is a nutritionist immensely passionate about food.


3. inspiration for the house

the brick house — every bit is exquisite around here.


4. geekiness

Mailbox app — very nice email app to organise your inbox and always know where your important stuff goes. Awesome design and usability. Make sure you download it fast because you might have to wait in line for your app.


5. eye candy

With Kinfolk — Parker Fitzgerald’s blog and cover photos for Kinfolk.


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