
Yet another week, heh? For all of you who are already working, good work, for all others who are still on, or just starting, your vacations have great fun!

So on Saturday we drove all the way to Sevilla. The heat, let me tell you, was unbearable. The air was incredibly hot and by the time I saw 47 degrees Celcius (116.6 degrees Fahrenheit) on the car thermometer I regretted having brought akira. Because you see, the only place I could leave him was my place back in the hometown, but I have another dog and they just don’t get along… My other dog, Big, was bitten once by a German Shepherd and now he is afraid of other dogs, which makes him really really nervous around any other dog. Akira feeling the nervousness interprets it as something he should defend himself against, so he barks and attacks, making Big even more nervous… So the only thing we could do was bring akira along, which is proving to be quite easier than I thought!

So we get to the hotel and quickly go enjoy the pool – akira was beaten up by the trip, and the heat was too much for him, so he stayed in the bedroom sound asleep. The pool is awesome! Huge and with a lot of greenery surrounding it. We stayed up until the pool was about to close got to the bedroom, showered and we were on our way to the city center in no time. Again the heat was… Terrible. Even after 10 pm. But we sat and had dinner, eating tapas, fried fish and gazpacho, and drinking beer… While akira was sitting asking us to try the fried fish. After dinner we walked around a bit and then headed to the hotel. First day was over.

Yesterday we got up somewhat early and headed to the city. We had breakfast at Taberna El Papelon. Delicious toasted bread with olive oil, tomato and prosciutto and cheese. Delicious. And the place is really cute on the inside, very typical and traditional.

We walked around for a couple of hours, as the heat from the day before was gone, fortunately. Akira behaved like a champ and walked the whole time with us – of course we had to rest for a bit and give him lots of water and soak him with water as well, but he was quite fine.

Sevilla is a wonderful city. I love it very very much… I love the tiny streets the warm colors, the chapels the churches, the gardens… Everything is very neat, organized and beautiful.

We spent the rest of the day sleeping and by the pool and by night we thought about trying the restaurant that is just across from the hotel. I didn’t think much of it honestly, when I saw it, but when the food started to come by I was completely sold. Delicious, delicious tuna, the fried fish was to die for and the tenderloin was melting in your mouth. A great surprise. The restaurant is called Zahara, in Sanlùcar.
And we got a few more days ahead of us…! Hopefully with more good surprises.

Have a nice Monday!



































4 responses to “Hola,Sevilla!”

  1. O gazpacho é a minha bebida preferida no verão, junto com a horchata, mas essa é mais típica da zona de Valencia, não sei se poderás encontrar assim tão fácil em Sevilha.Desfruta muito, mas terias de ter ido em outras datas, lol, é mesmo o inferno lá.

    1. olha que até apanhei fresco! mas só depois do primeiro dia…=P
      eu ADORO gazpacho. Em minha casa costuma fazer-se de outra forma (não é moído, é tudo inteiro) e também adoro…
      Horchata nunca experimentei! Agora fiquei curiosa…

      Tenho de aproveitar para praticar o meu espanhol contigo! xD

      chegaste a visitar Évora?

      1. Lol, pratica o teu espanhol, mas eu responderei em português 😛 Assim aprenderemos as duas.
        Tens de me enviar a receita do vosso gaspacho

  2. (contínuo cá, o tlm decidiu enviar a mensagem, lol) Gazpacho…
    Se gostas muito dele, eu te envio a minha receita de gazpacho de sandia…é uma versão diferente 🙂
    E sim, tens é de provar a horchata…!
    Ainda não conheço Évora, temos de ir!
    Espero ainda estes a desfrutar do meu país…mas da próxima tens de vir a zona norte!

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