instagram new terms of service: take a deepbreath.

Instagram was the first app I ever
downloaded for my iPhone as soon as I got it and it has a been a
source of fun, friendships, inspiration, creativity and just a
little bit of addiction. Well, everything can take a turn,
right? sometimes for the worst! Right. But just take a deep breath.
Yesterday I briefly considered deleting my instagram account in the near future,
after I read a ton of comments and screenshots and a few articles on the web about the new
Terms of Service of Instagram. People
were up in arms! And it’s completely understandable… Like
everyone else, I panicked. Then I wrapped my mind around it and
went to read the ToS myself. Turns out they improved it and not
otherwise! Instagram has always had the right to use our
photos in ads in whichever way they wanted, but now they have
limited that. On the verge they explain it very
clearly: ;

Now you’re only agreeing that
someone else can pay Instagram
to display your photos and other
information only in connection
paid or sponsored content. These phrases have
very specific meanings — Instagram can’t sell your photos to
anyone, for example. It simply doesn’t have

; In fact, go read that article. It explains it
perfectly. I completely understand how people jump into conclusions
about these matters. The language used is complicated and boring
and I really think Instagram should have anticipated this
reaction after all the commotion that happened after Facebook got
involved. They should have promptly explained what was going on
without all the jibber-jabber. They have done so yesterday. No harm
done. I will still keep posting on instagram as always! and here! Aaaaaaannnd on flickr. I’ve been missing flickr for a while now. I even let my pro account expire a few months ago… I think I will go back to flickr on full force after christmas. flickr is not only a great place to see great photos but it is also a great place to store your photos. I’ve got more than 5k photos there that I know won’t go anywhere. And that, for me, is amazing.

Anyway…! Here are a few more shots from Berlin! Enjoy and have a nice wednesday!

IMG_1757-39 IMG_1759-40 IMG_1763-42 IMG_1764-43 IMG_1767-45 IMG_1768-46 IMG_1769-47 IMG_1770-48 IMG_1772-49 IMG_1774-50 IMG_1779-54 IMG_1780-55 IMG_1783-57 IMG_1785-58 IMG_1786-59 IMG_1787-60 IMG_1788-61 IMG_1790-63 IMG_1791-64 IMG_1792-65 IMG_1800-67 IMG_1801-68 IMG_1802-69


One response to “instagram new terms of service: take a deepbreath.”

  1. It seems like you guys stayed in the same neighbourhood as we did (if I can tell from the 2nd photo).

    I love the light in the 14th picture.

    Your photos make me want to Berlin again. 🙂

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