
Edit: apparently a few of my initial sentences magically disappeared from the post. They were definitely there when I previewed it! Aah…I need to remind myself to breathe. More.
Obviously I was talking about how it’s been a little hard to be at home without the computer.

Being limited sometimes brings about good things, though! I’m drawing more and having more ideas, which is great, the drawing tablets for beginners has helped a lot! Now if only I had a computer to make them a reality… Anyway, I’m bringing to life the very lost and forgotten Wrap Up category. But I’m changing it slightly. I need to find a name for it, which I don’t have at the moment – just because I have ideas, doesn’t mean I have solutions for everything okay? But since I’m currently weaving a new, more user friendly, blog design, I’m not gonna bother with names.

So let’s just get down to it.

Let’s call it interesting things I found around the web.

This fabulous apartment in Malmö, from My Scandinavian Home. // image from My Scandinavian Home.

This insane but beautiful thing, from Tuula, swimming with stingrays. // image from Tuula.

And the new ikea catalogue!

It was a pain to write this ten minute post on the mobile web version for WordPress…sigh. Again.


9 responses to “Around.”

  1. Loving that Swedish apt. Swedes certainly know how to decorate an apt!

    1. Oh yes! They’re the best! Thank you for your comment! =)

  2. As casas escandinavas dão cabo de mim! Todos os apartamentos desse site dão cabo de mim….!

    1. E de mim…! Eles são tão tão bons…! Aaaaaiinn

  3. Que prazer vir a conhecer o teu blogue 🙂
    Eu vi as imagens da Tuula outro dia e fiquei super impressionada! Essas stingrays ate que sao friendly porque andamos a brincar com umas no zoo aqui. E claro, estilo escandinavo e” impressionante!
    Bjs e obrigada pelos comentarios. Boa sorte para ti e boas viagens! (Estas no Japao?)

    1. Muito obrigada pelo comentário! Sou super fã da tuas fotos! =D não, infelizmente não estou no Japão. Mas é um país que gosto muito muito muito. Bjs!

  4. Os suecos deixam-me maluca com as casas, é raro não gostar de alguma que se vê, têm um bom gosto impressionante!

  5. That apartment is stunning. Then again, Swedes know what do when it comes to decorating apartments and houses. 🙂

  6. Ahhhhh tinha saudades desta rubrica!!!!

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