London day 4

On our fourth day we walked through Kensington Gardens and checked out the Buckingham Palace.

We then had lunch and walked to the Natural History Museum to check Dippy. We had tickets to check the dinosaur and then wondered around the rest of the museum, which is just a wonder. I kept imagining myself there just… strolling, for an entire day.

All the building’s details were amazing and I was just enthralled by everything. Madalena was pretty amazed by the dinosaurs and wanted a dinosaur. In all the hurry of checking the whole museum and getting to the shop to get dinosaurs, I left my phone in one of the bathroom stalls of the museum. I only realised I didn’t have it with me after 5 or so minutes. I got back to the bathroom and it wasn’t there anymore… I asked the girl who was cleaning the bathroom and she said that the iPhone was safe and was in the Red Zone desk. Which was literally on the other end of the museum. On I went and got my phone back safe and sound.

We then went to Notting Hill, but it was already dark out. We went back to South end where we had dinner at BrewDog (for the second time in a row). We found it was pretty convenient for us to just have dinner in a place we were comfortable and the girls were comfortable and could play around while we had a nice meal. Did not disappoint.


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