Category: Personal

  • Photos for days.

    Photos for days.

    Yesterday was my last Friday being on holidays. It was good while it lasted. No, let me rephrase that, it was GREAT while it lasted. In two months I went to NYC, I hit the beach every morning for two weeks, I chilled with the fam down South by the pool, and spent a few…

  • Days.


    day 008 day 009 day 010 day 011 I haven’t had the chance (or the right frame of mind if I’m honest) to pick up Harry Potter’s new book. Not that it’s a new book per se…  But it’s still a new story within the HP world, so of course I can’t wait to read…

  • RNI Flashback.

    RNI Flashback.

    I’m a big fan of RNI products, and this new app is their latest development. These days, people often try to go back in time with their photographs, despite the many technological advances, using apps, filters and whatnot to make their phone/camera’s photos look like they were taken with an old camera. RNI Flashback does…

  • Day 005, day 006 & 007.

    Day 005, day 006 & 007.

    I’m making a list for what stuff I want in Leo’s bedroom. For now, I just have websites/stores. But I can imagine what it’ll look like when I have it all…! Daniela Gaspar Hey Billie Hey Somebody Elsa For now, this is just a small list, but I also don’t want to stuff the kid’s…

  • Days 003 & 004.

    Days 003 & 004.

    L is nearly walking. I’m both excited for her and scared for me. Still on vacation. Enjoy yours!

  • Day 002.

    Day 002.

    I’ve been having a lovely time.