
I used to pour all of my heart into my blogs. Everyone knew what was going through my mind and my life. It was my understanding that was what a blog was for, it was like a journal, something I have always kept ever since a very early age. That changed a bit as I got older and I turned the volume down a bit in what concerned my personal affairs…

A couple of years ago something important but terrible happened in my life and it just felt natural to share, because I was seriously hurting, and I never thought that there existed people who could take advantage of that to hurt me even further. Well, ever since then I keep my private life to a minimum when it comes to this blog. Sometimes it may seem like it’s the other way around, but trust me, it isn’t.

Yesterday I got terrible news. The kind of news that took me back to what happened before. And because I know there are also good people out there, I’m sharing this… One of my aunts, my parents sister-in-law, died yesterday. She was sick. It was a tumor, what else. I can’t say it feels the same as before, because it’s just not the same. But it still hurts. Not to mention her daughter, a 24 year old girl was one of my closest cousins… And my heart aches for her. I feel very sorry for her.

It goes without saying that the instant this happened my thoughts were in a whirlwind and culminated on both my parents. If something like this were to happen to any of them, and I am not the kind of person who shakes it off by saying “it will never happen, everything will be fine”, I would be absolutely devastated. To say the very least. But I cannot dwell on it. And I won’t.

Everything is just terribly sad and depressing.

I am sorry to welcome November like this. But that’s life. Nothing can be done.

I am finishing this post with a Brave quote, that I feel is somehow appropriate to all this situation.

There are those who say fate is beyond our command, that destiny is not our own.
But I know better.
Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.

And that’s that.

Enjoy the latest photos and have a nice Sunday.















7 responses to “Brave.”

  1. I love your post today….It really left an impression on me!!!

    1. thank you very much! and thank you so much for commenting. keep coming back, please!

  2. I’m so sorry to hear this news… 🙁 My condolences for you and your family.

    1. thank you so so much, Kelly.

  3. I’m sorry for your loss. Keep strong.


  4. Mandirae Avatar

    My thoughts are with you…

  5. Lamento imenso. Força!

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