Asakusa and the Skytree.

Back in July, on the 18th was Keoshi’s birthday, so we knew we had to push it to the limit, even if being in Tokyo was already pretty much doing that.
We strolled around Asakusa, bought a crazy amount of stuff, ending up with our hands full of bags right at the beginning of the day and just walked to the skytree area.

flexibility, eh?
flexibility, eh?
Birthday boy!
Birthday boy!
This was deeeeeelicious.
This was deeeeeelicious.
The entrance to the wonderful Asakusa.
The entrance to the wonderful Asakusa.
Incense is good for our health.
Incense is good for our health.








Besides the obvious places what I really love about Tokyo (and pretty much any city) is losing myself in it, and we know how to do that just right. The neighbourhoods we went through were amazing. Completely normal and average for Japan standards, but for us, totally awesome.

Don't have to read Japanese to know what that means.
Don’t have to read Japanese to know what that means.




Arriving to Sumida.
Arriving to Sumida.
A couple! Very rare sight.
A couple! Very rare sight.
Isn't this awesome?
Isn’t this awesome?
This ice-cream was called Wicked in honor of the Wicked Witch of the West (the musical). While they served the ice cream, the shop crew would sing a song, specifically for you!
This ice-cream was called Wicked in honor of the Wicked Witch of the West (the musical). While they served the ice cream, the shop crew would sing a song, specifically for you!

When we got to the skytree we went up and we saw a never-ending city from above, and that drew us in even more — so much to see, so much to get lost in!





The day was awesome, but what was about to come was even better…

Hope you enjoyed!


4 responses to “Asakusa and the Skytree.”

  1. Aquelas duas imagens da cidade vista de cima…. Que loucura!

  2. One of the best posts so far. Wonderful day, miss all those places.

  3. Beatriz Barata Simões Avatar
    Beatriz Barata Simões

    que fotos fantásticas…
    ainda te lembras como se chamava ou onde ficava exatamente essa gelataria com o gelado Wicked? Também vou a Tóquio para o ano e eu adoro esse musical, até já o vi na Broadway, por isso esse parece-me um local a não perder 🙂

    1. Ola e muito obrigada pelo comentário!
      A gelataria não tem nada a ver com o musical apenas têm um gelado inspirado no musical. De qualquer forma é mesmo um local a não perder, sim. É mesmo no centro comercial da Skytree e chama-se Cold Stone. Quem está de frente para as bilheterias (para subir a torre) fica à direita. 🙂
      Espero ter ajudado e diverte-se muito por Tóquio!

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