Tag: fuji x100s

  • Days 85, 86, 87/365

    Days 85, 86, 87/365

    I’ve been feeling rather unstable, emotionally unstable. Sometimes a thought comes into my mind and it’s the end of the world and I find myself on the verge of crying, and after a while it doesn’t really matter anymore, and I feel perfectly okay.  I dunno what’s wrong… I’m blaming it on hormones. But I…

  • Day 84/365

    Day 84/365

    Teething has been a complicated process. But we now have two teeth already out (yay!) and there’s more coming, so I guess we’ll just have to learn to be very patient.     Day 84/365 – today, another milestone: she ate all her solid food meal in (nearly) one go and without crying (much)! I keep…

  • Days 81, 82 & 83/365

    Days 81, 82 & 83/365

    Rough couple of days! Okay so long story short.  On the 9th of October I got the new iPhone 6s. Two days later there was some sort of glitch and the screen stopped working. It would only turn on when I hit the reset combination buttons. I thought it was weird, but it wasn’t the…

  • Day 80/365

    Day 80/365

    After a quiet peaceful night asleep I had quite a disturbing day, internally, trying to ignore my sixth sense.     Day 80/365 – breakfast. 

  • Day 79/365

    Day 79/365

    [nov. 21st, 2015] We officially have a(nother) solid food eater in the house! Not that she ate much, per se, but she had her first tries with eating from a spoon. It’s an exhilarating experience, to watch her do all this and learn all these things.  All that aside the baby has had her 4th…

  • Days 75,76,77 &78/365

    Days 75,76,77 &78/365

    Boy that was a long (unexpected) hiatus. This week, especially these last few days were extremely tiring for me. Baby L decided to wake up every three hours (and sometimes not sleep in between) during the night…and just sleeping at all during the day. Her 20-30 minutes power naps were completely replaced with 5-10 minutes…