The vegetable.


Yes, I’ve become a vegetable.

All jokes aside, this is actually a very serious matter.

My pregnancy has been easy peasy up until this past Wednesday. There was no morning sickness, no mood swings, no nothing — heck, I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was nearly two months in! And I was running around 10 km every day!! So this was more than just a bad surprise. Past Wednesday I had to rush to the hospital because something was just not right, and after a quick consultation, and finding out everything was okay with the baby, I was put on a bed rest for twelve days. Apparently workload and stress took its toll. It’s true I’ve been working quite a lot, but I always work quite a lot, so I guess for me, it was quite normal to go on at the same pace as always. My body didn’t think so, though.

So basically, besides no vitamin D for me, I have to be laying down all the freaking time, and am not allowed to do anything at all. On top of that, we had a big trip planned for ages, to the other side of the Atlantic, for this week and everything went down the toilet.

It has been incredibly hard for me. Not just being unable to do things, but also losing the trip. I was really really really looking forward to it, and, even though I know none of it was my fault, I feel incredibly vulnerable, worthless, and somewhat guilty.

I just hope that everything keeps going well, especially with the baby, which will allow me to work until nearly the end. I’ve already established a plan for stress-free work, but let’s see what my body thinks of it.

On the bright side, I’ve already read two books, made the shopping plan for the baby and I’ll be finishing the Japan photos, finally, quite soon.

Have a great day!


5 responses to “The vegetable.”

  1. Solange Bonifacio Avatar
    Solange Bonifacio

    I am a recent mom. I can relate very well with a lot of your words. By my experience… with time you will adjust ; ). Maybe you should try some meditation or pre natal yoga.. It really helps. Calms your nervous system through deep breathing which is also an excellent tool for labor during contractions. All of this allows you to slow down a little bit and focus attention on what is going on within yourself and more special, your body and your baby.

    All the best. : )

    1. Thank you very much. =)
      Yoga I was already doing, but I guess I hadn’t realise how much my body could handle. Just need to slow down a little. =)

    2. akanekinomoto Avatar

      Thank you very much. =)
      Yoga I was already doing, but I guess I hadn’t realise how much my body could handle. Just need to slow down a little. =)

  2. Get well soon, dear, and remember to take it slow and listen to your body from time to time. And remind me of it when I’m preggers. 😉

    1. akanekinomoto Avatar

      Oh I will, you can count on me! 🙂
      Thank you!

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