Day 58/365 & 59/365

Yesterday K and me got up at 7 am (on a Sunday, mind you). Not that I’m not used to that by now, but I’ve been completely exausted lately, so it was hard. 

I offered K a diving lesson for his birthday, that incidentally was a lesson for two people (am I clever or what?), so off we went. It also included a boat ride along the coast, that was pretty awesome. After that we went to a small beach only accessible by boat and started learning how to dive. I always assumed it would be complicated to learn everything in one go and just dive the next minute…it’s quite daunting, to say the least, to think that you’ll be immersed, with heavy gear weighing you down, while a humongous body of water compresses you, not being able to breathe normally. But you kinda get used to it! 


 That’s me!   
I had so much fun down there. I had an octopus stuck to my hand – you can actually pet them! – and saw so much small cute fish. There’ll be a video soon. It was amazing!

This isn’t me, it’s one of the instructors. My experience with the octopus was in the water. 

Day 58/365 – yesterday was pretty fun! 

Needless to say we had the grandparents taking care of Baby Leo, which also gave me a chance to go out shopping for winter clothes for her. So many cute little clothes! 

And today I was sooooo tired. And Baby Leo decided against naps today, so I’m just rotten… 

Day 59/365 – I wanted coffee today. 


2 responses to “Day 58/365 & 59/365”

  1. Wow! What a cool thing to do and indeed, you are clever (but aren’t we all, being women and all that? ;)).

    Crossing my fingers for naps today!

    1. Hahahahaha!!! xD that’s so true! We got a 10 min nap so far and she *just* fell asleep now! Let’s see for how long. Thank you so much!

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