life through the x100.

I wanted to post this as sooner as possible, because these are still last year’s shots with the fuji x100. These are just random shots but I do love this camera very much.

I only took this camera with me for Paris, thinking I could do without the 7d (since keoshi would be using the 5dmkii), so of course something *had* to go wrong. If you stick with me and this blog for a little while you will see that Murphy’s laws are always there for me, never failing. Ahem. So, I did only take the x100, but I did not take its charger, nor the second battery. I did however bring the charger of the 7d. Brilliant isn’t it? right.

So I basically took photos with the x100 for two days and the other 4 days I just used my iPhone. Which turned out to be quite fine, actually! Because I was able to really enjoy the views. I had already decided that I wasn’t going to take my camera to Disneyland, because it would just be a bother there, but the other 3 days I was quite okay with using just the phone.

I’m still bummed out that I didn’t use the x100 to its full potential, but oh well! Another time will have to do.

So I’m leaving you with a few random shots now.

Have fun this friday!


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the making of the croissants.

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and since I wanted to make mini croissants we had enough dough left to make these.

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This was taken with the iPhone, the finished product.
Screen Shot 2013-01-04 at 12.46.29 AM


6 responses to “life through the x100.”

  1. Bem, que fotos tão lindas.. estou a babar! Adoro croissants, especialmente os franceses 🙂 E salmão está também no meu top de comidas favoritas..

    Pela vista da casa, quase que diria que somos vizinhas!

    1. Obrigada!!! =D

      Nós estamos em S. Domingos de Benfica! Tu também?

      1. Parecia-e mesmo o bairro de Alvalade/Roma 🙂 Onde cresci!

        Eu agora estou a morar no jardim do Campo Grande.. ainda é um esticão até aí!

  2. love the finished product!! how long and at what temperature did you cook it?

    1. Thank you! It was a around 180 degrees C, and maybe 15 minutes. You just need to watch it and when it becomes golden, take it out. Notice that it’s just cooking the dough, everything else – salmon, mushrooms and spinach – were already cooked when they were wrapped with the dough. A little butter was added for additional flavor, between the salmon and the veggies =)

      I hope I helped!

  3. Ah, I’ve been eyeing the x100 for a while now, too bad it’s pretty expensive.

    The salmon looks delish! I may have to try and prepare my salmon this way!

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