
K and me have been trying to enjoy every little bit of sunshine we can get, so last weekend we went on a walk by the riverside and had Guinness and fish & chips, while Akira happily begged for fish and chips and enjoyed the views. It was such a nice little stroll.





I was finally able to go through nearly all the blogs on my reading list! It’s quite wonderful to go through all the posts from friends and find some really nice things. <*rant*>Or things that make my insides turn a bit! People should be warned about certain members of this community… But that’s a topic for me to think of.

One other thing I’ve also checked was Pinterest! Oh I’m in love with the Pinterest app for the iPad! I could spend hours on that thing! It’s quite awesome.

And I haven’t watched the oscars yet! Will do in a couple of minutes once I get up from my warm and cozy bed. I tried to stay awake, but just couldn’t. I hope it was a good show.

Completely nonsense post! Yay!! So happy that I’m on break!

Have a great week, people!


8 responses to “Guinness.”

  1. You have a nice site! Have a great week you too!

    1. thank you very much! I’m gonna check yours! 😉

  2. What tool do you use to keep up with the blogs? I currently have 190 unread posts on Bloglovin’ which is a new low for me. 😉 It usually is around 600, so yeah, I’m good. 🙂

    Enjoy your break!

    ps: Pinterest is pretty addictive indeed!

    1. Actually, I wanted to write about that on the blog… do a review. So I’ve been using reeder for forever (I paid for the whole shebang and everything) but with google reader going to the weeds they had to redo the whole app. Short story: they came up with a new reeder app that you would have to pay for again. So I started looking for alternatives and came up with feedly. I usually look for something that works well on the iPad and on the iPhone. I don’t really like feedly on the computer because it’s online, you don’t have an app, per say… So yes, feedly.

      But! I’ve recently used bloglovin’ much much more…but only got a few blogs there. I prefer feedly because it keeps everything by categories…

      Hope I helped! xD

  3. Como te compreendo. É mesmo aproveitar os raios de sol ao máximo! 🙂

  4. Eles querem é passeio e sol, os pequenitos adoram! Oh já sabes que no mundo dos blogues as coisas são mesmo assim, há o bom e o mau 🙂 há que seleccionar. Beijinhos!

    1. Não são os blogues, são mesmo determinadas pessoas… Enfim. Karma is a bitch! 😉

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